Monday, March 12, 2007

Tight legs

Saturday night ended up being a long one. We headed out for a night of celebrating and dancing. Jess is turning 29 tomorrow and our original idea was to head into town for some dancing at Gypsy. I know, I know a lot of you are not techno/dance fans, but we love it! What can I say we are two goofballs that love to shake it! The other peeps that were coming out outvoted us and to the Liquor Store we went. No no one rode the bull, but we did dance for a good 3 hours.

After everyone faded Jess and I were still going strong and wanted to see what Gyspy was like. Seeing as it was only 12:45 (pre DST) we grabbed our coats and headed out the door. Knowing the hour and the cost I had a feeling we would be turning right around to head back home. I mean there was little over an hour left and a $15 cover just wasn't worth it. To our surprise as we walked through the door, the register was a bit busy so 'I guess we didn't see it' and walked right on up the stairs and straight for the dance floor. Hey no one got hurt and I think they made plenty that night.

As we were approaching the dance floor, we noticed that there were several changes starting with the music. It was no longer techno/dance music and to be honest I don't even know what it really was, but it wasn't for us. I think we lasted all of 20 minutes before we headed home.

Since it was the night to adjust the clocks for DST, I crawled into bed around 3 am (post DST). The clock was set for 7:30...ewe! 4 and half hours just didn't seem like enough time to get some well deserved z's. I guess that is why I slept through the alarm!

No worries, mom decided to call me as she was heading over to the run. She wanted to make sure I was still coming. It was 30 minutes before the run, I am clearly not awake yet a and she is asking if I am going to be able to make it on time....I try to focus on the clock, think about what i have to do, try and figure out how long it takes me to get there and without even knowing it I say "I'll be there" and hang up. That is when it hits me..."man, what did you say that for you could have went back to bed!". So I stammer around the room for a bit in search of pants...thankfully it was going to be a warm day and I put on the capri's. I scramble for the rest of my stuff bra, shirt, jacket, don't forget the sneakers or camelback, etc. and I am out the door.

I reach the light at the end of the street and realize I forgot my mittens. Bummer! You may think even though it was a warm day that I wouldn't need my mittens, but unless you have run the trails you wouldn't know that it gets hot and cold depending on where you are or how the sun is coming through the trees. In this case, I wish I had brought my mittens. I also wish I had a short sleeve shirt on instead of the long one I chose, but it was a last minute prep that did it to me.

The run was 2 hours and 30 minutes. We headed out from the store and straight for the railroad tracks. This has to be one of my least favorite routes, especially with the conditions the way they were. Since my feet were all cut up from the yaks (well not from the yaks really, more the way my sneakers srunched on my feet with the yaks) I opted not to wear them. I am now not sure what the lesser evil was...running with bloody feet and making them worse or the run I endured without them.

This reminds me of the year I started running for the first time. I hated every minute of it. I was never comfortable, my shorts would ride up, my sock had a bunch in it, the cambelback would either ride up or bounce too much and I just hated it! I never enjoyed the running itself either. I didn't have any appreciation for it. That lasted for the longest time. Actually, it lasted until I stopped running. I still don't know why I ended up stopping. I know it wasn't that I didn't like it, but I don't know what it was. Anyway, when I started back up again I don't know what happened...some days were actually really good, but that made me hate the bad days that much more. Maybe the third time really is the charm b/c I started back up again this past January and am loving it! I should rephrase that, I love trail running. I am not sure I will ever love or even like road running, but maybe just the same as the way trail running grew on me so will road running.

Sorry back to the run yesterday. After the run started and I endured the conditions for a bit I felt like I was going to have one of those old unappreciating days. While we were trudging down the railroad tracks Martha, Vicki and I decided to hit the pavement for a teeny stint and meet up with the troops at the next trail. The rest of the run to the fishing pond was on the trails, but Main St. is just before it. That is when the feet just wanted no more. To let you know just how much my feet wanted to be done, I was volunteering to take the streets back.

The ladies and I decided at that point it was time to head down Main Street and head back to the store to finish the run up. Little did I know they planned on taking Perkins back. Perkins is the longest street ever!!! Once we reached the end it was onto Central and back to the store. Estimated mileage...15! Yippee!

I was originally thinking that had I not danced for so long in heels the night before (resulting in Tight Legs this morning) it would have been at least a bit of a more enjoyable run, but not so sure the conditions that we endured would make that statement so true. Tight

Tonight is soccer and I am afraid to see how I am going to play. If I head to Nike Town on Wednesday I am do no more than the 3.5 miler.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Two weeks and still going

Although it has been over two weeks since I have written anything it is not because I have been a lazy ass and done nothing, but rather the opposite. These past three weeks have been filled with too many things.

I celebrated my birthday a little too much on the night of the 10th to actually get out an run, but I did start that week off with a pretty kick ass soccer game, followed by a freaky night of swimming during the Nor'Easter.

Sunday the 18th's run was a bit of a hysterical one. We headed out from Bradley Palmer to Willowdale for a 2 hour and 20 minute run that resulted in many "whoa's!" and "help me's!" and me starting the first ever running escort service!

The Nor'Easter resulted in everything being covered in very think layers of ice and if you didn't have Yaks on during this run you were left fending for yourself...that is everyone but my mom and Vicki. My mom was holding onto my left arm and Vicki was hanging onto my right arm for a majority of the run and I couldn't help but to think how we must have looked like The Three Stooges or Lavern & Shirley + One or even Dorothy, The Tin Man and The Cowardly Lion charging down the Yellow Brick Road. It was a rather funny site, but we all survived.

I headed down to Nike Town on the 14th for a bit of a surprise run. Since the typical route as a bit too dangerous to run they decided to change it to The Boston Common. No biggie...I can swing that. My legs were a bit tired from all the hills on Sunday's run, but I can swing it. Shane said that once you reach the common going to the right was the easier route. Wait did I hear that correctly? I hadn't because when you go to the right 75% of the run is one entire incline until you reach the State House where the real hill begins. "O'well" I said to myself "Only 2 more times around once you finish this loop". Yes, I was a bit of a nut because instead of turning around for the last two loops and going to the left (the true easier way) I decided to grin and bear the choice I had made to the bitter end. Call me crazy, but I just wanted to see if I could push myself to do it. I was tired and felt like crap, but I knew once it was over I would have that great feeling of accomplishment rather than the "I am an ass and should have just done it" feeling. So I did it! Yeah!

The 25th's run was a different day and although I brought the Yaks it wasn't until I hit the trails that I realized I never put them on! I was told don't worry about it. You won't need them today and look no one else has them on and so you'll be just fine. Never again will I make the mistake of not listening to my gut instinct! The trails had a nice fresh layer of snow on them and I think that was to play a joke on everyone who wasn't wearing their Yaks because what was beneath the nice pretty fresh snow was that gosh darn thick layering of ICE. I have to say I was doing pretty good for a while there.

Maybe I should help set the scene in your mind. Picture it like this: everything is pretty white winter wonderland from the fresh layer of snow that had just fallen the night before. The weather was a crisp 20 something degrees, but with the sun it felt maybe high 20's - low 30's (which is rather warm around here these days). We hit the trails running and it didn't take long to realize that today was going to be a blistering day, for the feet that is. The trails I am guessing had at least 6 inches of solid snow and ice in most areas, but the recent weather had softened certain areas where previous runners/hikers had left ginormous craters in the trails that had once again frozen over. So foot placement was a bit of an you run where the craters were or do you risk running on the outer edges of the untouched trail? My theory for a while was to risk the untouched part of the trail...then I and many others found out that wasn't such a hot idea because there were certain parts of the trail exposed to the sun and as you are probably guessing I went through. I have no way of really describing what this was like except to say have you ever run in quick sand? I really hope you answered no that question, but that is the only simile that I can come up with.

The conditions definitely added a little bit of an extra workout during this run and as usual I have no idea what the distance was but the goal was to run for 2 hour and 30 minutes. We ran just over for 2 hours and 33 minutes. Oh and this run was out of Boxford Center...I believe it was all part of the Bay Circuit, but not sure if we hit a few different trails before heading onto Bay Circuit or if it was all Bay Circuit....either way it was a great day and even though there were some not so great parts I loved every minute of it. I love it when I can say "pain feels good!".

One of these days I will bring my camera to liven these posts up with a few good shots too!

Monday, February 5, 2007

My first snowy Sunday of the season

Even though I was still struggling to kick this cold that just wants to linger on I bundled up and went heading to the woods yesterday morning. It was freakin' cold as all hell, but I managed just the same.

For those that know the Topsfield area we stepped outside the back door of Gil's Grocery and headed for the tracks...railroad tracks that is. It was snow and ice covered, but I tested out a pair of "Yaktrax" ("Yaks" for short) and they rock! We ran on the tracks for a bit and then hit the trails through Topfield and into Ipswich to the Willowdale trails.

I have to say the first quarter of a mile was pure ice and I was a bit skiddish about putting all my trust in them so early on in the run, but after time I don't think I would run without them in the snow or ice again.

I was having a tough time throughout various parts of the run. Breathing with a cold while running was not the easiest, but I am so glad I made it out there. It was a GORGEOUS run! I only wish I had my camera. The sun was shining so brightly and the trees were freshly covered in snow and yah more ice, but it was like it was the first snowfall and I was Alice in Wonderland...only it was a winter wonderland. With the light the way it fell on the trails the pics could have been even more gorgeous than the real thing. Alas no camera so no pics...sorry!

There was about a half hour of the run left and my body just wasn't having as everyone entered the last trail on the return to the store I opted for the Haverhill/Bear Hill Road route. Rather than dealing with hiking of any more of the trails and falling behind a bit more, this was the first time I was thankful for flat surfaces and took the easy route home.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

11 in 11

Just trying to keep the running going - it can be tough. I've got 30 miles to do this week and have a floating 10 in there somewhere - it was Wednesday then moved to Thursday but now will probably be Saturday. 5 on Sunday, 4 on Monday, Tuesday I was a bit tired so I went out to dinner with people, which left 21 miles to be run in 4 days. Then the social invitations started coming in - Friday is a going away for someone, now so is Thursday for someone else, and Saturday is Saturday. Have to run on Wednesday but then I get a call to go out to the pub. Nope.. not gonna do it. I'm running.

Had to eat first because I was quite hungry so I was holding off my run until 8pm, went out did the 5, felt pretty good. Now I have 16 miles left, 2-3 nights of going out in a row, and 2 8am meetings in a row. Let's do an early morning 6 on Thursday to try to stay ahead.

I set the alarm for 5:30, got out of bed at 5:43, wandered around the apartment until I sort of woke up, checked email, planned my route on, and hit the road around 6:10. 40 minutes from alarm to running - I'm going to have to work on that. Not quite the 4am 7 miler and be at work by 7 that I used to do in Boston.

But I kicked out the 6 along the beach, am at 20 for the week, can do the 10 on Saturday, and go out the next 2 nights.

Between 8pm Wed and 7am Thurs I ran a 5 and a 6 and that's what the 11 in 11 is.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Mid-Week Break

The work week has come to an end and it's time to get the party started...well not technically until tomorrow night. I head up to Attitash tomorrow night for a day on the slopes Sunday. I just hope the weather decides to warm up past the 1 degree that it made it to today. Pray for me!

Since I am outie for the weekend I thought I would take this opportunity to update my log of workouts from this past week.

Sunday I did in fact hit the dreadmill for 60 minutes of hills at the gym and if it weren't for a few unmentionable moments during those 60 minutes it would have been an almost perfect run. I would have also been able to determine how far I actually went.

Monday night it was back up to North Hampton for my weekly soccer game. We thought we had it in the bag, but for some unknown reason we lost. The untouchable team was actually taken down. We all had a hard time dealing with this one. On a more positive note, I have to say it was one of my best sprint workouts though! I also scored two goals and had a couple of assists, but in the end we lost by 1.

Tuesday was a late night at work and just came home to crash.

Wednesday was another run at Nike Town. I know I pointed this out in an old post, but I feel it needs repeating. This running group is pretty cool. With exception to one girl (and yes, of course it is a girl) everyone that runs is so laid back and friendly. There are no attitudes, it is free, running around the charles is gorgeous at night, it is free, they provide food and water, did I mention it was free? I just found out during this run that you can earn free stuff and win free sneaks! Next week is this months raffle and as long as you run that night you are eligible for the prize. The odds are pretty good too...about 30 to 1. Not to shabby considering all you have to do is show up.

Thursday ended up being an off night. Met up with some friends at the Pour House for dinner and it was on to King's for a night of bowling after that.

Tonight even in the 1 degree weather I packed my bag and headed to the gym after work. Although it was only a 30 minute run it still counts.

Oh I forgot to mention that I actually learned something about the "adidas"(pronounced "adi-das" and not "uh-de-dus" - I actually learned that in high school from one of the German exchange students) and Puma brands while doing our stretches before the Nike Town run. Sibling rivalry goes a long way in this case and if you are from or know anyone that is from Herzogenaurach, Germany than you know where I am going with this. The Adidas name was not actually created until 1948. It originally started out as Dassler shoes and was created in the 1920's by the Dassler brothers, Adolf better known as "Adi" and Rudolf. They started the company out of their mother's wash room.

Anyhow, sometime after World War I or II (I keep getting conflicting time frames when I do the research) the two brothers had a falling out that was irreversible. They had a history of not getting along and with the war their arguments became more intense. The fact that one of the brother's formed a closeness to the Nazi cause didn't aide the situation.

In 1948, the two brothers finally parted ways to form their own companies..."Addas" and "Ruda". It didn't take long for those names to change to "Adidas" and "Puma". If you can't see it, the name Adidas is Adolf's better known name combined with a portion of his last name. Where "Ruda" came from is beyond me.

This is the part where the story gets good. No, they didn't happen to have a life altering moment and decide to put it all in the past with a big warm fuzzy hug. Instead they actually have a town, country and history changing moment.

You see, not only did their seperation cause a change in the company, it also caused a change within the town. After they split Rudolf headed across the river to start Puma while Adi stayed put. What were the town members to do you might ask? Even though it was post-war and this was the striving business of the town loyalties and politics ran thick. It was easy for the brothers to avoid each other because they were separated by a river. But as I noted loyalties and politics ran thick so believe it or not this town was also split in two. This is a statement from Frank Dassler, the grandson of Rudolf,:

"There was an Adidas butcher and a Puma butcher. If there was a chance to avoid being in the same class as another Adidas person, from the Puma perspective, then we certainly tried to avoid this. Certainly, the restaurants were split, so there was a typical Adidas hotel or Adidas restaurant and the other guys didn't want to go there"

Crazy isn't it? Well, it is not the first time I have seen such a huge rivalry between brothers, the Telemachus brothers to be exact. If you are from the New England area you may have heard of the two grocery stores "Market Basket" and "Demoulas". In this case, the two brothers had no arguments or ill-will toward each other and it wasn't until one of the brothers died (1972) that family fights ensued. Some of the history can be seen at Wikipedia

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Today is a new day

Last week definitely did not go as planned. It was a strong start and a strong death. As you know last Sunday I ran 2 hours in the muddy trails of Bald Hill followed by my first run of the snowboarding season. After that I had great intentions to finish the week strong. I just didn't realized how strongly my body felt in putting it's efforts into not doing anymore exercise.

I had great intentions for meeting up with Nike Town on Wednesday, even though they were only reporting 15 degrees, my bag was packed and I stayed late at work. This is where my mistake was made. I ended up working on a presentation that I was to give on Friday with a coworker. We were intent on getting the presentations materials done that night and well I lost track of time. Since I was so intent on running that night I figured I could just head to the gym instead. Of course this did not happen. My bag was packed for the cold, fierce, frigid air of the night and that meant I would have to go home and change. In route to heading home I also realized I was desperate to fill my cupboards with food. The food one and I stopped at the grocery store instead. The rest of the week went down from there.

Today, is a new day and a new week. After doing some cleaning, finding out that my sink drain has a leak and paying some bills I suited up and headed for the gym today. After quite a few obstacles on the dreadmill I finally completed my 60 minute hill run and set the bar for the week. As I mentioned I had a few obstacles on the treadmill and for this reason I have no idea what my mileage was. I could be upset by this, but what would that get me, instead I am just happy I did it. Hopefully next time I won't have to endure the same scenarios as today.

Sunday: 60 minute hill run (dreadmill)
Monday: Soccer
Tuesday: Dreadmill again...for how long...that I am not sure of yet.
Wednesday: Nike Town (most likely 3.5 mile)
Thursday: Dreadmill again, but this time it may just be to walk.
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off - heading to Attitash
Sunday: Sailing down the slopes of Attitash...yippee!

Countdown to the Vermont 100: 179 days

Monday, January 15, 2007

First 10 miler of 2007

I'm back. Ok, just like every year I claimed that this would be "the big year" for running. And why not? Sure others have failed in the past but look what I got going for me - A) the year starts in the summer when the runnings good B) the winter isn't very cold C) I don't have to travel that much for work and can attempt to run while I'm doing personal travel and D) there just can't be too many things that disrupt my schedule while I'm down here.

My other problem is that I change my running all the time - I'm going to record every .1 mile; I'm never going to record my distance; I'm only running for fun; I need to break my PR; I'm going to be an ultra runner; I'm concentrating on 10 milers; I'm a trailrunner; I'm a mountainrunner - you get the point. But this year I have two goals and I think I can accomplish both:

1) Break 1500 miles for the year (that's a little less than 30 miles per week).
2) BQ at the Melbourne Marathon in October.

So how did the year start out? It was atrocious. The first two weeks I couldn't get it together. The first week I ran 13 miles and the second I ran 8. But I picked it up this week, Sunday night I ran a good paced 5 and Monday night ran a strong, comfortable, and confident 10. I was able to keep my speed down, which can be a problem for me since my most efficient stride is around 7:30 min/mile but found one at about 8:30 min/mile. I worked on my stance a bit, I've been leaning back a lot lately so I tried out a slight forward lean that sort of pulls me forward.

The main goal for the year is the BQ and I have a lot of work to do for that, especially road work, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to have some fun. I have trails, mountains, and beaches all around me and I plan on using them.

This week:
S - 5mi (done)
M - 10mi (done)
T - off (work)
W - 6mi
T - 4mi
F - 5mi
S - off (tour of Melbourne)

And either Wednesday or Thursday will be in the trails at Lysterfield park.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Just another day in the wet woods

I woke up a little on the frantic side this morning because I thought I had overslept. You've gotta love it when you are in a deep sleep and you hear the alarm and know that it is not the first time it has gone off! I popped right out of bed and ran straight to the closet because the next thing to figure out, after trying to figure out how I slept through my alarm, was what to wear.

The temp was just over 30 degrees and misty. Even though it was a bit on the chilly side I still opted for some capri's, short sleeves and a hoodie. Thankfully I packed my mittens, swix earmuffs (love them!) and a knitted hat, otherwise it would have been a miserable day. Even though people questioned my bare ankles, I have to say they were a pretty decent choice. My body was perfectly dressed for the run. :)

We headed out onto Bald Hill just past Cheryl and Eddies house in Boxford, MA. There were two groups, I opted for Jimmy's group that was doing 20 minutes on and 5 off. We ran mostly on the Bay Circuit, but there were a few times where we deviated from the the Circuit to venture off on some new trails.

It was misty, cold, wet and not quite miserably muddy, but definitely incredibly muddy! The shoes went out dry, but the feet definitely came back wet!

I am not sure about the distance we ran, if you can believe it I forgot to ask. I do know I ran 1:59:27 :) I am suspecting we did 8 to 10 miles, but that is just a guess.

The forecast for the week:
Monday: Sunday River for the first run of the season...keep your fingers crossed for me.
Tuesday: Off day
Wednesday: Nike Town
Thursday: Potentially going to hit BRG for a night of climbing
Friday: ?
Saturday: ?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

To bag or not to bag?

I am not going to lie, I packed my bag yesterday morning to give the whole Nike Town Run Club a shot, but work was super boring yesterday and I really had nothing major to do by the afternoon. Did I contemplate bagging the run to just head home and go to the gym?

For about a half a second I really did. It wasn't because I didn't think I could do it or that it was only peaking (if I was lucky) 30 degrees. It was merely the thought of what can I do to kill the time till the run starts. Thankfully I had my book in my bag and pulled it out to read a few pages.

Up until this point I hadn't given much thought to what I was in store for and that is not typically me. For some reason I really think I just didn't care and wanted to give it a shot. If they were all record breaking runners, well then at least I knew where I was in the city and could bail at a moments notice to continue on with my own run.

At about 6:15 pm I headed on over to Nike Town...about a block from my office. Sweet! Once I got there I have to say I was a bit indifferent to what I saw. I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, believe me this much I do truly know, especially when you are talking about what the typical runner looks like. You may laugh, but I can guarantee that there is someone out there that could kick your butt quite easily and you would have never know it to just look at them because they were 2 or 3 times your size and/or age! Well, those people weren't at Nike Town last night...these were your typical very fit and in shape runners. Needless to say, since this was my first time in quite some time that I was back in the running scene, it did make me a bit peakish to think "am I going to be able to keep up with these people?".

After everyone had arrived (around 30 people), they set up tables with water, oranges, bagels, running logs, vests in case you forgot one, a box of clothes in case you didn't pack properly and reflective stickers should you want to wear those instead of the vest. I was very, very impressed by all this because it was also all free! Yes, can you believe it? I know I couldn't. Nothing is for free these days, especially a running club in Beantown.

After everyone logged in the store associates had cleared a part of the store so that we could do a group stretch and exercise before the run. Once that was done you formed your groups (depending on the distance you logged in for 3.5, 4.5-5 or 7.5 miles) and headed out. Since this was day one for me I opted for the nice distance of, you guessed it 7.5 miles! If you believed that, then you're the crazy one! I chose 3.5 miles and ran with two other newbies. One girl joined that night and another the week before.

Although it was butt cold out! I am not really sure where that phrase ever came from or if it even makes sense, but it was butt cold out...especially when we ran across the Mass. Ave. bridge! The head wind was killer! Once we crossed the bridge we took a right on Memorial Drive and ran to the Longfellow Bridge, which we used to cross back over the river . We followed the Charles back to the Dartmouth footbridge and headed back to the store to end the run. Even though it was rather freezing the views from Memorial Drive were beautiful and it was a very peaceful run.

All in all I am super happy with the night and will be joining them again next week. Everyone was super nice and too boot Shane the coordinator provided three large boxes of Luna bars for us to fill our bags with! :)

Oh, as for time I am gaging a 9:00+ pace...i didn't wear a watch (need a new battery), but the girl that ran last week said that was her pace and well I was ahead of her this week so I hope that is still true :)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

So Sunday didn't go as planned

Okay Sunday was supposed to be the first training run and as you can tell by this blog's title that didn't happen. However, I did hike Mt. Chocorua. What I thought was going to be a nice 4 mile hike turned out to be around a 7+ mile hike instead.

Monday night was soccer and needless to say I along with the rest of the team I was running low on gas, but we managed to take the win!

Tonight is an off night, but tomorrow night Nike Town here I come. I am not sure what it has to offer just yet, but I am going to give it my best shot. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Today is the day...

I made my way to my new gym tonight. I also learned that even though they have 40 treadmills, there are 40 people to fill them at the 6:30 hour. Similarly, there are about 40 elipticals and well same situation.

After I grabbed two magazines off the rack (forgot my iPod...oops!), I noticed that there was a stair stepper open and I was off an running. Okay so the stair stepper isn't running, but I did do 175 stairs tonight. I am not sure what that translates into miles b/c this machine didn't do the conversion. I don't feel to bad though, since my running will be in effect as of this Sunday.

The official 'Pacer" training starts this Sunday. The GAC group is getting all geared up again for the Vermont 100 training and last week kicked off the first training run. This week I am going to join them and well get my butt back in action. I am not sure what is in store for me, but bring it on cause I am ready to get back into the swing of things!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ever thought about Antarctica

Talk about running the world over. I came across this article while reading the Boston Metro today. It is definitely an inspiring story to get out there and get matter what time of year it is!

Running on thick
Marathoner Mike Pierce takes on Antarctica — again

How’s this for crazy: Imagine running 100 kilometers, or a little over two marathons, in a row. Now, imagine doing it through the set of “March of the Penguins.” San Diego, Calif., extreme athlete Mike Pierce is doing just that this Friday when he attempts the Antarctica 100K. The Antarctic Ice Marathon at Patriot Hills — the only privately held base camp on the continent — has been held only once before, last January, when
Pierce ran the regular marathon. He and the race director, Irish ultra marathoner Richard Donovan, are the only ones
returning for a second go-round. “It was ... exhilarating, everything I expected and more,” Pierce says of the first run. Now, he’s ready to more than double the length and do it again. “I am a bit of an anomaly,” Pierce says. “I am not running there because it’s the next great ultra-marathon. I am going because I am, first and foremost, a fan of the Antarctic.” As an Antarctic history enthusiast, Pierce was looking for an experience that would mirror that of the pioneers he read about. “So the more of a struggle it is, the more I get closer to what I came for.”

THE TRIP, which embarks from Punta Arenas, Chile, will take this year’s dozen runners to the camp of tents near the Ellsworth Mountains, in a plane that lands on a blue ice runway. “It’s in the middle of nowhere,” Pierce says happily.

That’s not hyperbole — the site is 600 miles from the South Pole and too far south for even penguins (so no flippered cheering section after all). Daylight certainly isn’t in short supply — the sun never sets this far south, which is convenient for the ultra-marathon’s 24-hour time limit. Pierce completed the previous run in a little over seven hours and expects to do the 100K in about 20.

TO PREPARE for the endeavor, Pierce took a page from “Rocky” and sought out a freezer where he could recreate arctic conditions. The only problem was convincing people he was serious. “I just called people out of the phone book, but I
had to call 30 or 40 of them,” Pierce says. “Most of them thought I was insane. They thought it was a prank call.”

When he finally found an agreeable commercial freezer owner, Pierce put on his layers (two base, one fleece and one GorTex) and did tiny 60-foot laps to prepare. He has few doubts about his ability to finish the run, despite snow, isolation and winds that whip up to 50 knots. Pierce, who works as a professional speaker when he’s not traipsing across snowfields, is already making plans for his next adventure. “I’d like to be involved in an expedition across the entire Antarctic in the next few years.” After this week, he’ll have 60-odd miles down and only the rest of the continent to go.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Running for the week of 12/3

Date - Scheduled - Actual
12/9/06 - 3.00mi - 3.00mi
12/8/06 - 0.00mi - 0.00mi
12/7/06 - 4.00mi - 5.00mi sprints
12/6/06 - 3.00mi - 3.00mi
12/5/06 - 4.00mi - 5.00mi
12/4/06 - 0.00mi - 0.00mi
12/3/06 - 6.00mi - 5.50mi
Week Totals - 20.0mi - 21.5mi
Year Total (since Nov 1) - 72.25mi

This coming week I'm staying with 20mpw but got off on the wrong foot as I tried to do a 7 miler on Sunday but came up short with 5 - not because I was tired (even though it was 95 and smoky) but because I misjudged the distance. Not easy not having internet at home.

Also I need to do my year plan with major or development races. That should be my next post.

Just when you think....

Seriously I do want to get back into running and have a goal to get me mom is running her first 100 next year and this little cheeka is going to upgrading her status from 'Handler' to 'Pacer'.

Let me answer a few of the questions that I know are running through your head right now. Yes, 100 represents miles and no you don't necessarily run every step of that 100 miles, but you do have to run a good majority of them. That is why they are called 'Endurance Runs'. They challenge you personally. They make you ask yourself 'do you have what it takes? Are you mentally prepared to push yourself to go the distance no matter if it's raining, shining or day, night?" This is what it takes to be "one of the lucky ones".

A "Handler" is someone who takes care of their designated runner every step of the way. Well, the steps where you are allowed to see your runner. There are various 'aid stations' along the run, but there are times where they are marathons apart and other where they are a mere two miles apart. So not only does the handler get to do all the fun stuff like handling their runner's clothes that are drenched with sweat, but they get to handle the feet of the runner by changing their shoes and socks and applying the vaseline/baby powder between their toes too! By nature i hate feet, but for some reason this is the only event where they don't phase me. One additional (gross) note about this part is that most of the endurance runners are missing many, if not all, their toenails (ick!). You also have to be mentally prepared yourself.
There are times where your runner is going to be down on themselves and it may even bring you to tears (I am living proof of this), but words can be powerful things and they rely on you for this. Those words need to get them to the next aid station, which at times may be a stint where they have to run by themselves.

A "Pacer" is a running mate (enter me for my mom). There are rules for pacers though. Any runner under the age of 60 are only allowed a pacer for the last 30 miles of the race. Any runner 60 and older are allowed a pacer any step of the race. It may sound silly, but having that pacer those last 30 miles is crucial unless you are an experienced endurance runner. The last 30 miles are done in the dark for most and well 30 miles is a long way to run by yourself in the dark! Since the pacer is on fresh legs and is of sound mind it is their goal to take their runner the extra mile to the end. I will have to tell you what that is like July 2007! Depending on how this goes who knows I may be the runner with my mom as the pacer in 2008!

Every time I mention a race like this, and it tends to be often b/c this is what my parents do, I always hear "why would you be that insane to want to do something like that?". Well, I don't think they are insane I think they are "one of the lucky ones". That have a burning flame inside that pushes them beyond the norm. I keep saying that I hope I end up like them. You see they started running later in life and have this self motivating intensity about it. I don't understand why I don't. I mean yes, I like/love to run when I am doing it, but sometimes I need a good swift kick in the @ss and just when I think I am going to get started something happens. A trip for work, my stinkin' car has to go back in the shop or a night on the town the night before leaves you with a strong desire to lounge on the couch the next day. I know not great excuses, but if not packed properly well then the running doesn't happen.

Anyway, I am going to be one of those people...I am going to leisurely enjoy the rest of the year and start fresh a few weeks from now when the New Year begins. I leave for Florida on Saturday and will hopefully be returning to some snow to take a my second week off to hit the slopes! Yes, snowboarding season has (sort of) arrived! Then with the new year, I will be hitting a black belt that goes round and round!! From there on out I plan on entering more numbers in this blog rather than words ;)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Back in PA and DE

I know this site is dedicated to running, but I have been doing everything but running lately. I have been walking, swimming, rollerblading, using the eliptical machine and recumbant cycling.

This week I find myself in PA...actually, Delaware too. It is technically where I am sleeping anyway. I am proud to say I packed the work out close and hit the eliptical. Met a driver for the Brian Setzer Orchestra too. Seemed nice enough and he even had some good touring stories. Last year he was with Sting.

Anyway, what have I done over the last week. Let's see last Wednesday night I did the typical Thanksgiving eve night out on the town. Actually night and next morning out on the town. I think I got home around ...oh 3:00 or was it 3:45? Regardless, when the alarm went off at 7 am it was freaking early! I did it though, all for the sake of exercise. I promised my mom I would head out on her 10 mile run with her. Don't get ahead of yourselves ... I am barely running yet so there was no way I would have kept up with her for 10 miles. Instead I ventured out on her recumbant bike. Let me tell you for anyone thinking of just hoping on one of those babies and just taking off ... think again. It does take some thinking to get this bad boy going (especially uphill). You (well, I) took for granted how much I really do rely on my handlebars. haha

Everytime I went up hill I would rely on my handle bars to use as the extra umph! Well, thank god there was few people on the road when I was going uphill b/c I would have been street pizza! There were a few close calls, but nothing major. The major bad thing about that morning though, was that I completely forgot my helmet. For those that know me pretty well, they are aware of the fact that I have had enough head injuries in my life that I am lucky I don't have to wear a helmet as part of my daily attire!

All in all it was fun and a highly interesting ride. I recommend the challenge to any eager beavers looking for a new challenge. I managed the 10 miles with mom although half of it was in search of her since I set her out on her way before I hoped on the bike.

Friday was a day of running around shopping and Saturday was a day full of running around work. No dedicated exercise that I can remember, but I am drawing a complete blank on Sunday. Ah, Sunday was a good hard day of rollerblading. I am not sure how many miles ... maybe 6, but it was intense none-the-less.
Oh and before I forget, for all you runners reading this site check out this site

My mom introduced me to it. Basically it is like any other running website where you can go on plot out where you ran and it will calculate your miles. The thing that makes this site a bit better than others is that it will calculate your pace and miles per hour. It also allows you to blog about how your run was. So in laments terms, it is an online running log (blog if you will). Sorry Lano, it is only for the US, Can-nadia and the UK. They do have an email for suggestions...maybe we can get the Land down undah added!

Monday was issues
Tuesday was a travel day for work
Today, Wednesday was a day on the eliptical for 2.3 miles
as for the rest of the week ... I gotta be honest ... nothing
Tomorrow will be a travel day for work and Friday is our work holiday party. Unless you consider arm lifts to raise the drink to my mouth a form of exercise, then I think I got nothing till Saturday when I plan to hit the pool for a few laps.

Oh one last thing. I did sign up for a gym last Tuesday night so Monday and Friday Mornings I am going to attempt the Step Grooves + Body Conditioning class before work, run on off days and yoga classes at night. I may be getting ahead of myself here, but we'll see how that goes the week after next (when I am finally not traveling).

Friday, November 17, 2006


I love the new title! I say go for changing the web. It is quite catchy. Good job on that.

As for my workout schedule this week, well I have been slacking. Wednesday night I was working till about 2 am! I need to get my Excel reinstalled because it is causing some major issues with my computer. Then Thursday was an off day to begin with. Sadly, tonight I am working, then heading home to do laundry and well a few laps in the pool before it closes.

To recap:
Monday, Nov. 13th - 45 minutes of sprints - no swimming
Tuesday, Nov. 14th - 2 miles - no swimming
Wednesday, Nov. 15th - 0 miles - no swimming
Thursday, Nov. 16th - 0 miles - some, but not sure how much yet.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I like this title better. If you agree then I'll change the address too.

I was on schedule to do 3.75 yesterday but it was cold - wind, hail, snow in the mountains. I've been on a run-no-matter-what kick (ran in the rain on Tues - look at that) but just walking from my office to my car made me say "F that". I just sat in my hotel room all night. But today I got the 3.75 done in great shape - looked good, felt good, although not terribly fast but we're getting there.

Schedule for the rest of the week:
Thurs (for those who haven't experienced it yet): 3.75
Fri: 3.00
Sat: 3.75

Next week:
Sun: 0.00 Traveling
Mon: 3.00
Tues: 3.75
Wed: 0.00
Thurs: 3.00 Who's doing races? 5k for everyone? I'll do my own and time it.
Fri: 3.75
Sat: 0.00

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm liking what I see so far ...

I am also ready to make my first post ...

This officially marks my start ... whether or not I keep up with it, well I will say this... if I don't, then I will be at the mercy and wrath I will take from everyone who provides me with mental anguish for not getting my lazy arse out there!

November 14th...
I am stuck in Podunk Pennsylvania for work. I left Boston's torrential weather to arrive at nothing other than the same horrible weather. You would think that even the thought of travel would light a spark of excitement for me, but let me tell you there is nothing to do here. It doesn't help that every time I come here the work load seems to double and I have stricter deadlines. So while talking with Lano on Skype I decide I am going to get up and at least do something for myself. Although it was late (10:30 pm US time), I dragged my sorry arse 3 doors down and opened up the exercise room. Not really sure I was supposed to do that, but eh why not. Nothing better than to pop on a show and get trucking on the treadmill. Actually it was kind of peaceful. Anyway, my official start was just a little 2 miler hike through the forest, but I am happy to say I did it and plan to do it again tonight.

The workload is a bit heavier tonight than last night, but why ruin a good start. I definitely need a good start to keep me going and the fact that I am going to some fashion shin-dig tomorrow night means I have tomorrow off. ;)


Bon, let's do some testing on this.

We'll change the name and such and maybe even the address (it's all possible). I wasn't feeling very creative this morning. We can invite people too.