Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm liking what I see so far ...

I am also ready to make my first post ...

This officially marks my start ... whether or not I keep up with it, well I will say this... if I don't, then I will be at the mercy and wrath I will take from everyone who provides me with mental anguish for not getting my lazy arse out there!

November 14th...
I am stuck in Podunk Pennsylvania for work. I left Boston's torrential weather to arrive at nothing other than the same horrible weather. You would think that even the thought of travel would light a spark of excitement for me, but let me tell you there is nothing to do here. It doesn't help that every time I come here the work load seems to double and I have stricter deadlines. So while talking with Lano on Skype I decide I am going to get up and at least do something for myself. Although it was late (10:30 pm US time), I dragged my sorry arse 3 doors down and opened up the exercise room. Not really sure I was supposed to do that, but eh why not. Nothing better than to pop on a show and get trucking on the treadmill. Actually it was kind of peaceful. Anyway, my official start was just a little 2 miler hike through the forest, but I am happy to say I did it and plan to do it again tonight.

The workload is a bit heavier tonight than last night, but why ruin a good start. I definitely need a good start to keep me going and the fact that I am going to some fashion shin-dig tomorrow night means I have tomorrow off. ;)

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