Monday, February 5, 2007

My first snowy Sunday of the season

Even though I was still struggling to kick this cold that just wants to linger on I bundled up and went heading to the woods yesterday morning. It was freakin' cold as all hell, but I managed just the same.

For those that know the Topsfield area we stepped outside the back door of Gil's Grocery and headed for the tracks...railroad tracks that is. It was snow and ice covered, but I tested out a pair of "Yaktrax" ("Yaks" for short) and they rock! We ran on the tracks for a bit and then hit the trails through Topfield and into Ipswich to the Willowdale trails.

I have to say the first quarter of a mile was pure ice and I was a bit skiddish about putting all my trust in them so early on in the run, but after time I don't think I would run without them in the snow or ice again.

I was having a tough time throughout various parts of the run. Breathing with a cold while running was not the easiest, but I am so glad I made it out there. It was a GORGEOUS run! I only wish I had my camera. The sun was shining so brightly and the trees were freshly covered in snow and yah more ice, but it was like it was the first snowfall and I was Alice in Wonderland...only it was a winter wonderland. With the light the way it fell on the trails the pics could have been even more gorgeous than the real thing. Alas no camera so no pics...sorry!

There was about a half hour of the run left and my body just wasn't having as everyone entered the last trail on the return to the store I opted for the Haverhill/Bear Hill Road route. Rather than dealing with hiking of any more of the trails and falling behind a bit more, this was the first time I was thankful for flat surfaces and took the easy route home.

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