Sunday, December 10, 2006

Running for the week of 12/3

Date - Scheduled - Actual
12/9/06 - 3.00mi - 3.00mi
12/8/06 - 0.00mi - 0.00mi
12/7/06 - 4.00mi - 5.00mi sprints
12/6/06 - 3.00mi - 3.00mi
12/5/06 - 4.00mi - 5.00mi
12/4/06 - 0.00mi - 0.00mi
12/3/06 - 6.00mi - 5.50mi
Week Totals - 20.0mi - 21.5mi
Year Total (since Nov 1) - 72.25mi

This coming week I'm staying with 20mpw but got off on the wrong foot as I tried to do a 7 miler on Sunday but came up short with 5 - not because I was tired (even though it was 95 and smoky) but because I misjudged the distance. Not easy not having internet at home.

Also I need to do my year plan with major or development races. That should be my next post.


Traveling Bonbon said...

Morning, you gotta change the link from your website to this new web address. :)

Keith said...

Done and done.