Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Back in PA and DE

I know this site is dedicated to running, but I have been doing everything but running lately. I have been walking, swimming, rollerblading, using the eliptical machine and recumbant cycling.

This week I find myself in PA...actually, Delaware too. It is technically where I am sleeping anyway. I am proud to say I packed the work out close and hit the eliptical. Met a driver for the Brian Setzer Orchestra too. Seemed nice enough and he even had some good touring stories. Last year he was with Sting.

Anyway, what have I done over the last week. Let's see last Wednesday night I did the typical Thanksgiving eve night out on the town. Actually night and next morning out on the town. I think I got home around ...oh 3:00 or was it 3:45? Regardless, when the alarm went off at 7 am it was freaking early! I did it though, all for the sake of exercise. I promised my mom I would head out on her 10 mile run with her. Don't get ahead of yourselves ... I am barely running yet so there was no way I would have kept up with her for 10 miles. Instead I ventured out on her recumbant bike. Let me tell you for anyone thinking of just hoping on one of those babies and just taking off ... think again. It does take some thinking to get this bad boy going (especially uphill). You (well, I) took for granted how much I really do rely on my handlebars. haha

Everytime I went up hill I would rely on my handle bars to use as the extra umph! Well, thank god there was few people on the road when I was going uphill b/c I would have been street pizza! There were a few close calls, but nothing major. The major bad thing about that morning though, was that I completely forgot my helmet. For those that know me pretty well, they are aware of the fact that I have had enough head injuries in my life that I am lucky I don't have to wear a helmet as part of my daily attire!

All in all it was fun and a highly interesting ride. I recommend the challenge to any eager beavers looking for a new challenge. I managed the 10 miles with mom although half of it was in search of her since I set her out on her way before I hoped on the bike.

Friday was a day of running around shopping and Saturday was a day full of running around work. No dedicated exercise that I can remember, but I am drawing a complete blank on Sunday. Ah, Sunday was a good hard day of rollerblading. I am not sure how many miles ... maybe 6, but it was intense none-the-less.
Oh and before I forget, for all you runners reading this site check out this site

My mom introduced me to it. Basically it is like any other running website where you can go on plot out where you ran and it will calculate your miles. The thing that makes this site a bit better than others is that it will calculate your pace and miles per hour. It also allows you to blog about how your run was. So in laments terms, it is an online running log (blog if you will). Sorry Lano, it is only for the US, Can-nadia and the UK. They do have an email for suggestions...maybe we can get the Land down undah added!

Monday was issues
Tuesday was a travel day for work
Today, Wednesday was a day on the eliptical for 2.3 miles
as for the rest of the week ... I gotta be honest ... nothing
Tomorrow will be a travel day for work and Friday is our work holiday party. Unless you consider arm lifts to raise the drink to my mouth a form of exercise, then I think I got nothing till Saturday when I plan to hit the pool for a few laps.

Oh one last thing. I did sign up for a gym last Tuesday night so Monday and Friday Mornings I am going to attempt the Step Grooves + Body Conditioning class before work, run on off days and yoga classes at night. I may be getting ahead of myself here, but we'll see how that goes the week after next (when I am finally not traveling).

Friday, November 17, 2006


I love the new title! I say go for changing the web. It is quite catchy. Good job on that.

As for my workout schedule this week, well I have been slacking. Wednesday night I was working till about 2 am! I need to get my Excel reinstalled because it is causing some major issues with my computer. Then Thursday was an off day to begin with. Sadly, tonight I am working, then heading home to do laundry and well a few laps in the pool before it closes.

To recap:
Monday, Nov. 13th - 45 minutes of sprints - no swimming
Tuesday, Nov. 14th - 2 miles - no swimming
Wednesday, Nov. 15th - 0 miles - no swimming
Thursday, Nov. 16th - 0 miles - some, but not sure how much yet.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I like this title better. If you agree then I'll change the address too.

I was on schedule to do 3.75 yesterday but it was cold - wind, hail, snow in the mountains. I've been on a run-no-matter-what kick (ran in the rain on Tues - look at that) but just walking from my office to my car made me say "F that". I just sat in my hotel room all night. But today I got the 3.75 done in great shape - looked good, felt good, although not terribly fast but we're getting there.

Schedule for the rest of the week:
Thurs (for those who haven't experienced it yet): 3.75
Fri: 3.00
Sat: 3.75

Next week:
Sun: 0.00 Traveling
Mon: 3.00
Tues: 3.75
Wed: 0.00
Thurs: 3.00 Who's doing races? 5k for everyone? I'll do my own and time it.
Fri: 3.75
Sat: 0.00

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm liking what I see so far ...

I am also ready to make my first post ...

This officially marks my start ... whether or not I keep up with it, well I will say this... if I don't, then I will be at the mercy and wrath I will take from everyone who provides me with mental anguish for not getting my lazy arse out there!

November 14th...
I am stuck in Podunk Pennsylvania for work. I left Boston's torrential weather to arrive at nothing other than the same horrible weather. You would think that even the thought of travel would light a spark of excitement for me, but let me tell you there is nothing to do here. It doesn't help that every time I come here the work load seems to double and I have stricter deadlines. So while talking with Lano on Skype I decide I am going to get up and at least do something for myself. Although it was late (10:30 pm US time), I dragged my sorry arse 3 doors down and opened up the exercise room. Not really sure I was supposed to do that, but eh why not. Nothing better than to pop on a show and get trucking on the treadmill. Actually it was kind of peaceful. Anyway, my official start was just a little 2 miler hike through the forest, but I am happy to say I did it and plan to do it again tonight.

The workload is a bit heavier tonight than last night, but why ruin a good start. I definitely need a good start to keep me going and the fact that I am going to some fashion shin-dig tomorrow night means I have tomorrow off. ;)


Bon, let's do some testing on this.

We'll change the name and such and maybe even the address (it's all possible). I wasn't feeling very creative this morning. We can invite people too.